Made Easy
a.the world's first transparency engine
b.a trusted place for values-minded shoppers to compare products' social, environmental, quality, governance and origin data
Frustrated trying to buy the right stuff?

We make it easy!

Compare products and brands side by side.
Make the best choices for you, your family, your business and the planet.

See what sets a product apart from its competition.
How Eqogo works in under 30 seconds
What is the score?
The "EQ score" means the excellence quotient - this is the unique product score Eqogo builds from the Social, Environmental and Quality attributes a brand shares publicly about its efforts. We compare the EQ scores of products within a category to showcase their strengths, helping you find what is best.

Why a score? Because product attributes matter.
labor practices and animal testing
materials, manufacturing, energy and distribution
warranties and engineering standards

We work hard to rate and weigh all the key factors so you can focus on the values that matter most!
What is Good to Know?
Well, a lot! The "GTKs", as we call them, expand beyond the product rating to cover everything a brand shares publicly about their Social, Environmental, Quality, Governance and Origin attributes, showcasing their initiatives to better their company, community and world. We've expanded ESG to SEQGO!
Impact on people and animals
Programs for environmental benefit
Auditing and engineering standards

Policies, initiatives and oversight

Made in, designed in and assembled in
Buy from brands that share your values.
Business Partnerships
Unlock the Power of Eqogo - Become a pioneer in sustainable business practices with Eqogo's cutting-edge transparency engine. We'll provide your company with product and brand-level insights so you can transform your customer trust initiatives, product offerings and sustainability efforts.
Discovery - We help you identify the latest, most innovative products to enhance your marketplace, reducing your in-house research costs.
Customer Retention - Bolster your customers' brand loyalty with additional insights into their favorite products.
Sales Growth - Increase sales by enhancing the confidence your customers have in the products you carry.
Partnerships - We help you discover the brands and products that align with your values and sustainability goals.
Key Performance Indicator Impact - We help you measurably add value-based products to your inventory while reducing the labor required for research.
Outreach - We connect you to the expanding mindful marketplace by telling the story of your best practices.
Comparison - See how your products stack up against the competition.
INQUIRE NOW for more details on Eqogo partnerships
It's so obvious, it's transparent!