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What is Eqogo?

What is "Eqogo"?

Eqogo (ee-ko-go) is the world's first transparency engine. At its heart, Eqogo seeks to empower a culture of informed consumption and conscious production to do better for us, our future generations and our planet.

How does it work?

Eqogo reveals the environmental and social impact of brands and products as you shop, connecting you to genuine value. We collect and interpret product and business data from a variety of sources, showing how products perform in terms of social impact, product quality and corporate behavior.

Why are we building Eqogo?

Our mission is to empower consumers and encourage businesses to move toward sustainable and transparent practices. We are committed to building a culture of transparency by celebrating thoughtful behavior that aligns our values with the goods we purchase.

How does Eqogo have impact?

Every day we vote with our wallets. Eqogo believes informed consumers have a profound potential for impact. People with knowledge can demand the change they want to see in the world.


We would love to answer any questions you have about Eqogo and our efforts to transform the marketplace. Contact us.

Are you a brand who is interested in partnering with Eqogo? Contact us here.